Our Purpose
The primary purpose of Calvary Christian School is to Glorify God our Creator and Savior. CCS is a ministry of Calvary Independent Baptist Church.Our pastor is Jamie Colbert. Our church takes seriously its educational mandate “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20) Christian parents are mandated by the scripture to educate their children according to the statutes and commands of God’s Word. (Deuteronomy 6:7) Though some parents’ homeschool, most Christian parents delegate this responsibility to institutional schools where the curriculum, beliefs, values and priorities are in line with theirs. Our purpose is to assist Christian parents with their God given responsibility. Our purpose is to integrate into universal truth, biblical truth. Our purpose is to build into the character of each student the truths of a Christian world view. Our purpose is that each student will understand the fall of man, original sin and its effects on the world in which we live. With this understanding our students will be at peace in a chaotic world understanding the human deliverance and the creators’ plan of salvation